Logistics - Getting Your Boat Here
Shipping of containers to and from the port of Melbourne is not difficult with proper planning and consideration of local quarantine and customs requirements.
Australian quarantine laws are particularly strict, and the Quarantine Service is very thorough, so any breaches, no matter how slight, are likely to result in a full inspection at significant cost and in certain circumstances could result in unacceptable delays of boats getting to the regatta venue on time.
To avoid unnecessary issues and problems the Organising Committee (“OC”) are keen for all competitors to use DB Schenker (DBS) to ship their boats, to handle quarantine and customs clearance.
In the event this is not possible additional costs will be incurred in taking the containers from the port to an authorised inspection facility, where they will be inspected and possibly unpacked and repacked before being transported to RBYC.
DBS have appointed a specialist team for our regatta based in the Melbourne office as well as participating countries. Key contact is in Melbourne which is in the GMT+10 time zone and contact details follow:-
You are encouraged to contact soonest with your personal requirements noting in particular your home town for the purpose of determining the nearest port of loading. Best option is to complete the attached quoting sheet and send to the email address. From this the DBS Etchells team may need to make contact just to clarify some details and then DBS Australia will provide you with a quote for you to approve. Once approved, paperwork & bookings will commence.
As noted above Australian quarantine laws are particularly strict and the Quarantine Service is very thorough.
Avoid packing any wooden objects other than for securing the boat in the container and if possible, use other materials for packing. If wood is to be used, please ensure only heat treated wood stamped with an ISPM15 logo. Do not ship objects such as wooden ladders. Avoid any foodstuffs as these may be subject to import permits and may require inspection and/or testing that will delay the clearance & subsequent delivery. Items shipped in the yacht should be kept to a minimum such as sailing gear and sails. However, you might like to put some bikes in the container as Melbourne is a very bike friendly city. All items shipped in the container, including within the yacht as well as the yacht & trailer, must be itemised on the Carnet items list.
Ensure all items are clean of all dirt/mud/grass/leaves/seeds etc. Specifically look in the wheel arches of the trailer for example. Given the trailers will be packed in winter, it is likely there will be mud on them and possibly the boat covers. Please ensure the trailers and covers are clean before loading into the container or it will be cleaned in Melbourne at an additional cost and delay.
In response to the rapid expansion of the brown marmorated stink bug (“BMSB”) throughout Europe and North America, the Department of Agriculture has strengthened the seasonal measures to manage the risk of BMSB arriving in Australia during the 2023 - 2024 BMSB risk season. These measures may include the need for containers to be fumigated prior to departure and/or on arrival. It is important any such requirements are understood and addressed before shipping from overseas so as avoid delay in clearance at the Australian border.
Please ensure all keys pertaining to trailer lockboxes or other locked compartments are either handed to the exporting agent at destination or forwarded directly to the clearing agent at Melbourne. It is imperative the keys are received/available to Quarantine upon shipment arrival so all inspections can be undertaken in a timely manner. Failure to receive keys means we will require a locksmith to allow us to gain entry, that will delay customs and/or quarantine clearance and with additional costs for your account.
Container Arrival
Our preferred position is that as part of the DBS package Australian Customs and Quarantine (AQIS) inspections will be conducted in a bonded location at the Port of Melbourne. After clearance a private contractor will pick up the boats from the wharf to take them to RBYC.
If this is not possible the containers will be collected from the port and delivered to an authorised inspection facility, where they will be inspected and possibly unpacked and repacked before being transported to RBYC.
Import Paperwork
The usual protocol for shipping goods into Australia for a sporting event and then shipping the same goods back is to use a Carnet – please use the following link:
Please ensure the “Intended Use of goods” on the front cover of the carnet shows “2025 Etchells Yachting Regatta”. Do not put “Professional Equipment”. The carnet should also show DB Schenker as the owner’s representative.
Please note that Customs & Quarantine inspection fees may be applicable/additional at time of importation into Australia and when re-exported back to your origin, as Customs may or may not seek to verify container contents match the Carnet documents in order to acquit the document.
Goods imported into Australia that are not re-exported back will be subject to Australian import duties (5% of the value of the goods, insurance and freight) and then a further 10% Goods and Services Tax (“Australian VAT”) on the total of the goods, insurance, freight and duty. So effectively charges of 15.5% on the value goods, insurance, freight.
IMPORTANT NOTE: This includes all damaged and/or lost equipment (including the yacht) that is not re-exported will be subject to the payment of duties & taxes.
Return Shipment
At the end of the regatta, you will need to pack your yachts and associated gear ready for shipment. Allow a minimum of 5 – 7 days from the end of the regatta to the shipment date to allow delivery from RBYC to the wharf.
Helpful Information
1. Import of boat & trailer will travel on a Carnet.
3. Trailer cleaning may be required inside box tubing/frame needs to be flushed out. Proof of cleaning may be required. If Quarantine identify Biosecurity Risk Material still present, goods will be directed for steam cleaning.
4. Thorough cleaning of the boats inside and out. Proof of cleaning may be required. If Quarantine identify Biosecurity Risk Material still present, goods will be directed for steam cleaning.
5. No personal belongs can be shipped within the hull or storage compartments. Strict instructions to be sent.
6. Lead times may need to be brought forward due to Xmas peak period. Currently set to 10 weeks.
7. Timber packing material (chocks & blocks in container, for example) needs to be treated by authorised offshore provider. If heat treated, each wood item must be stamped with ISPM15 stamp. Wooden packaging cannot have evidence of bark. If so, can be ordered for deep burial. Perhaps consider other material – plastic?
11. All containers freighted via the DB Schenker network will be delivered into DB Schenker depot for inspection and destuffing.
13. All destuffing/stuffing in Australia will be supervised by Etchells representatives.
14. Brown Marmorated Stink Bug (BMSB) Import regulations manufactured in or shipped from high risk countries. Treatment by an authorised offshore treatment provider required.
15. Above steps to be done in reverse for export process.
We look forward to welcoming you to Melbourne and assisting in getting your yachts to and from RBYC. As alluded to above there are numerous issues to address and we would encourage participants to organise their transport arrangements early and to take advantage of the assistance that could be provided by MSC.
We encourage competitors to contact DB Schenker on the details below to obtain a competitive quote for their end-to-end logistics solution.

E: etchells2025@dbschenker.com
Schenker Australia Pty Ltd
43-57 South Centre Road
Melbourne Airport VIC 3045