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Code of Conduct

The Etchells Class is committed to providing a safe, respectful, inclusive and flexible Sailing environment that is free from discrimination, harassment, sexual harassment and bullying. We do not tolerate or condone any form of discrimination, harassment, sexual harassment or bullying.


This Code of Conduct outlines expected standards of behaviour by all Participants in any competition or sailing event in which an Etchells Class Yacht is participating. All Participants take part in the event on the condition that they agree to abide by this Code of Conduct.


A breach of this Code of Conduct by any Participant may lead to disciplinary action, including immediate disqualification from the competition or sailing event. Any disciplinary action taken by the Event Hosts, World Sailing, the National Sailing Association, or Etchells Class Associations will be fully supported by the International Etchells Class Association.


Definitions of Participants:


All Participants must comply with this Code of Conduct.


Participants include but are not limited to:

  • Etchells Class Yacht owners;

  • Crew of any competing Yacht;

  • Any Support Crew either on land or on the water;

  • Full-time, part-time, professional staff and crew;

  • Coaches and affiliated support persons;

  • Volunteers and anyone working in an unpaid capacity.


This Code of Conduct applies to all Participants while:


  • Attending any Etchells event, including practice, training and Registration prior to the commencement of the Event, and all post event activities; and

  • At all times, whether sailing or otherwise and whether at the venue of the event or otherwise including but not limited to any social          gatherings of Participants such as prizegiving or another event related activities.

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Standards of behaviour


The International Etchells Class Association members and participants are responsible for promoting a safe, respectful, inclusive and flexible event environment by:

  • Treating all competitors and their guests and staff assisting in the running of any Etchells event with dignity, courtesy and respect;

  • Respecting cultural, ethnic, religious, gender and sexual orientation differences;

  • Behaving in a professional, fair and courteous manner at all times;

  • Promptly reporting any breaches of this Code of Conduct, whether it is against you or another person, to the Owner/Skipper of a competing yacht or any Race Officer or Club Official or any other Owner/Skipper or participant;

  • Maintaining confidentiality when complaints are made and/or under investigation; and

  • Abiding by all applicable laws and regulations.


Unacceptable behaviours


A Competitor must not:

  • Abuse or threaten to abuse (verbally, physically or in writing) another person;

  • Physically or sexually assault another person;

  • Discriminate against or treat someone less favourably because of their race, sex, age, sexual orientation, disability or other personal characteristics;

  • Intimidate, threaten or harass another person;

  • Sexually harass another person with unwanted, unwelcome or uninvited behaviour;

  • Bully, isolate or humiliate another person;

  • Victimise, unjustly treat or threaten someone because they have raised a complaint or are a witness in an investigation; or

  • Behave improperly or unethically.


Participant acknowledgment

I have read and understood this Code of Conduct and agree to abide by it at all times as a class member or competitor during any Etchells Class Sailing events.



Sail Number:                                                    





This Code of Conduct is supplied by the International Etchells Class Association and may be viewed on their website at




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Conducted by the Royal Brighton Yacht Club

In conjunction with Etchells Melbourne Fleet


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